86 research outputs found

    Subcutaneous abscess caused by Trueperella pyogenes in a Southern pudu (Pudu puda)

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    A case of an abscess on the head of a captive Southern pudu (Pudu puda) caused by Trueperella pyogenes is described. A diagnosis was done based on bacterial culture and MALDI-TOF MS identification. Traumatic inoculation of the bacterium in the subcutaneous tissue is speculated

    Conducta y actitud ambiental responsable en estudiantes universitarios en Lima, Perú

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    Attitude towards the environment is an indicator of environmental behavior and is manifested in the action and pro-environmental regulations. The purpose of this study was to know the relationship between behavior and responsible environmental attitude in university students in Lima, Peru. The approach was quantitative, with a descriptive-correlational design, and the sample consisted of 287 male and female students from different careers. The instruments used were two scales that measure the environmental attitude: perception of environmental problems, perception of reasons for environmental problems; intention of pro-environmental behaviors and, types of environmental concerns; the same ones that independently evaluate the attitude and proambiental behavior. The positive relationship between responsible environmental behavior and attitude was determined, as well as between the component factors of the variables.La actitud hacia el ambiente constituye un indicador de la conducta ambientalista y se manifiesta en la acción y las regulaciones proambientales. El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer la relación entre la conducta y la actitud ambiental responsable en estudiantes universitarios en Lima, Perú. El enfoque fue cuantitativo, con diseño descriptivo-correlacional y la muestra estuvo conformada por 287 estudiantes hombres y mujeres de diversas carreras. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron dos escalas que miden la actitud ambiental: percepción de problemas ambientales, percepción de razones para problemas ambientales; intención de conductas proambientales y, tipos de preocupación ambiental; las mismas que evalúan de manera independiente la conducta proambiental. Se determinó la relación positiva entre la conducta y actitud ambiental responsable, así como entre los factores componentes de las variables

    Políticas de conservación y producción agropecuaria: ¿Cómo se integran de los sistemas socio-productivos de Paso Centurión y Sierra de Ríos? Un abordaje desde la integralidad universitaria

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    El presente trabajo es producto de las prácticas desarrolladas en Paso Centurión y Sierra de Ríos, departamento de Cerro Largo, por un grupo interdisciplinario que comprende las facultades de Ciencias, Ciencias Sociales, y Psicología, a través de distintos proyectos financiados por la Universidad de la República (Udelar). El objetivo del equipo en territorio consistió en analizar, por un lado, los procesos de construcción de territorialidad en esta Área Protegida del Uruguay (Sistema Nacional de Áreas Protegidas), y por otro identificar tensiones entre los sistemas productivos y los sistemas de conservación ambiental. Para ello, se analizaron las pautas orientadas a la creación de un plan de manejo para el área, y se contrastó con la información de los sistemas socioproductivos de la zona. En los últimos 15 años Uruguay ha cambiado su producción agropecuaria propiciando un gran crecimiento del rubro forestal, en contraposición con la histórica tradición ganadera, así como también se han introducido cambios en relación con la conservación de áreas, a los cuales el departamento de Cerro Largo no ha sido ajeno. Los resultados obtenidos se analizaron según la categorización poblacional de las ruralidades uruguayas, identificando tensiones entre empresarios, familias productoras y asalariados rurales, con respecto a las dimensiones sociales, productivas, ambientales y económicas. La información relevada se obtuvo a través de: entrevistas a referentes de la zona, puesta de manifiesto del proyecto (instancias públicas), relevamientos en bases de datos de organismos públicos y estudios sobre sistemas socioproductivos en Uruguay. El resultado nos muestra un nudo principal de conflicto en la zona, vinculado a la producción forestal del sector empresarial y a la producción familiar ganadera. De la disputa de estas territorialidades surge el proceso de ingreso de Paso Centurión a los sistemas de conservación ambiental departamentales y nacionales

    Enhancing Digital Health Literacy to Support Post-Pandemic Health Recovery in Indonesia: A Case Study in Makassar

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    COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of information systems to support healthcare planning, management and delivery. Developing countries generally lag in digital transformation, particularly from the perspective of the readiness of human resources to engage with and deliver digital health services. This study explores how digital literacy levels of health workers in Indonesia can be enhanced. We proposed a digital health literacy framework based on a synthesis of existing indicators. Through a case study in Makassar, we reveal that healthcare workers are particularly lacking in digital health data acquisition and management as well as digital health data exchange and analysis. There is also a significant difference between management expectations and the actual healthcare workers\u27 digital literacy levels. This study offers implications to research and practice focusing on enhancing healthcare service quality in developing countries to address the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal of enhancing health and wellbeing for all

    Explanatory Model on Academic Self-Efficacy in Engineering Students: Role of Anxiety, Dysthymia, and Negative Affect

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    Students in engineering tend to be loners, making interpersonal relationships and mental health issues more likely to arise. The COVID pandemic caused university students to experience anxi-ety and depression, which affected their academic performance and self-esteem. However, stu-dents’ mental health was rarely evaluated after the pandemic, especially engineering students, who showed higher levels of depression than students from other disciplines. The present study aims to establish an explanatory model of academic self-efficacy based on factors related to mental health, such as anxiety, depression, and negative emotions. The method used was quan-titative cross-sectional, and a structural equation modeling was used. A sample of 561 students (54.4% males and 45.6% females) was analyzed. Instruments to measure self-efficacy, negative affect, depression, and anxiety, previously validated and with adequate reliability, were applied. The results showed that a state of anxiety affects academic self-efficacy negatively and directly; depression and negative affect indirectly affect academic self-efficacy mediated by a state of anxiety. These results show that a student with depression problems and a predominance of negative emotions is vulnerable to present anxiety in an academic setting. This anxiety causes his efficacy beliefs to decrease. As a result, he does not feel capable of facing academic challenges

    Click-tambjamines as efficient and tunable bioactive anion transporters

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    A novel class of transmembrane anion carriers, the click-tambjamines, display remarkable anionophoric activities in model liposomes and living cells. The versatility of this building block for the generation of molecular diversity offers promise to develop future drugs based on this design.European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (TAT-CF project, grant agreement 667079), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Grant PI18/00441) (co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), a way to build Europe) and “La Caixa” Foundation and Caja Burgos Foundation (CAIXAUBU004

    Performance Analysis of Emergency Room Episodes Through Process Mining

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    The performance analysis of Emergency Room episodes is aimed at providing decision makers with knowledge that allows them to decrease waiting times, reduce patient congestion, and improve the quality of care provided. In this case study, Process Mining is used to determine which activities, sub-processes, interactions, and characteristics of episodes explain why some episodes have a longer duration. The employed method and the results obtained are described in detail to serve as a guide for future performance analysis in this domain. It was discovered that the main cause of the increment in the episode duration is the occurrence of a loop between the Examination and Treatment sub-processes. It was also found out that as the episode severity increases, the number of repetitions of the Examination–Treatment loop increases as well. Moreover, the episodes in which this loop is more common are those that lead to Hospitalization as discharge destination. These findings might help to reduce the occurrence of this loop, in turn lowering the episode duration and, consequently, providing faster attention to more patients

    Plan estratégico de la Caja Rural de Ahorro y Crédito Los Andes S.A.

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    El presente trabajo desarrolla el plan estratégico de la Caja Rural de Ahorro y Crédito Los Andes dentro de un horizonte de 10 años. Para su elaboración se ha usado el modelo propuesto por el doctor Fernando D’Alessio, lo cual ha permitido proponer una visión basada principalmente en convertir a la institución en una entidad competitiva, y con una oferta de productos y servicios financieros rentables y socialmente responsables, a fin de satisfacer las necesidades actuales y potenciales de personas naturales, medianas, pequeñas y microempresas, de tal modo que la entidad se convierta en el principal aliado de su crecimiento y en la construcción de un futuro próspero para sus familias, organizaciones y la sociedad. Actualmente, la organización es reconocida como una entidad confiable, solvente, y como una alternativa de apoyo al desarrollo empresarial, principalmente del segmento rural, sin embargo, mantiene desafíos importantes en relación a la agresiva competencia en el sector microfinanciero, al crecimiento de los índices de morosidad, al tamaño de sus operaciones, a su capacidad de respuesta frente a la competencia y de influir en el mercado, a la concentración relativa de sus colocaciones, a los importantes niveles de rotación de personal, y a la escasez de cuadros con perfiles adecuados. Como resultado del proceso estratégico, se determinaron cinco Objetivos de Largo Plazo (OLP), con el fin de: (a) reducir el índice de morosidad; (b) incrementar los ratios de rentabilidad; y (c) reducir los gastos operativos de la CRAC Los Andes, y con ello alcanzar la visión deseada de la institución. Asimismo, se plantea implementar un tablero de control que permita controlar el cumplimiento y medir los resultados de cada Objetivo de Corto Plazo (OCP) propuestoThe present work develops the strategic plan of the Caja Rural de Ahorro y Crédito Los Andes within a period of 10 years. To elaborate the present work, we have used the model proposed by Dr. Fernando D’Alessio, which has allowed us the propose a vision focusing mainly on making the company turn into a competitive one, offering profitable and socially responsible financial services in order to satisfy the present and future needs of individuals, medium, small and micro enterprises, so that the company becomes the principal ally of this growth and help build a prosperous future for their families, organizations and the society. At present, the organization is known as a reliable and creditworthy business, as well as well as an alternative support of business development, principally in the rural area. Nevertheless, it still faces important challenges concerning the aggressive competition in the microfinance sector, the increase in the late payment ratio, the size of its operations, its capacity to respond to competition and to influence the market, the relatively high concentration of its placements, the important level of personnel rotation, and the lack of qualified workers. As a result of the strategic process, five long-term objectives (LTO) were determined in order to: a) reduce the ratio of late payment, b) increase the levels of profitability, and c) reduce the operating expenses of the CRAC Los Andes, and by doing so, finally reach the desired vision of the institution. Additionally, we have planned to implement a balanced scorecard, which will let us control the accomplishment and measure the results of each of the proposed short-term objectivesTesi

    Effect of Self-Efficacy and Eustress on Procrastination: A Multigroup Analysis

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    Introducción: La autoeficacia y el eutrés son elementos motivacionales que guían al éxito académico; mientras que la procrastinación guía al fracaso. Está comprobado que la autoeficacia y eutrés afectan a las conductas de procrastinación, pero ¿en qué medida? Además, en la literatura se evidencian diferencias entre el género en relación con estas variables. No obstante, estos estudios no son concluyentes. Por ello, esta investigación tuvo por objetivo establecer un modelo explicativo e invariante del efecto de la autoeficacia hacia las conductas de procrastinación, mediado por el eutrés. Metodología: Se utilizó el diseño de regresiones estructurales con variables latentes, y se aplicó invarianza multigrupo. La muestra fue no probabilística de 1224 universitarios (61.5% mujeres) entre 18 a 35 años (M = 22.89; DE = 5.46). Resultados: Se hallaron adecuados índices de ajuste del modelo planteado (CFI = 0.951, TLI = 0.943, RMSEA = 0.041) donde se demostró el efecto directo, indirecto y total, a través del eutrés, sobre la conducta de postergación y autorregulación. El tamaño del efecto sobre la autorregulación fue largo (f 2 = 0.54) y pequeño para la postergación (f 2 = 0.14). Asimismo, el modelo resultó ser invariante entre hombres y mujeres. Conclusiones: El estudiante con alta autoeficacia y estrés positivo, será capaz de autorregular su comportamiento académico y evitar la postergación de tareas.Introduction: Self-efficacy and eutress are motivational elements that lead academic success; while procrastination leads to failure. Self-efficacy and stress have been shown to affect procrastination behaviors, but to what extent? In addition, differences between gender in relation to these variables are evident in the literature. However, these studies are not conclusive. Therefore, this research aimed to establish an explanatory and invariant model of the effect of self-efficacy toward procrastination behaviors, mediated by eutres. Methodology: The method used is structural regressions with latent variables, and multigroup invariance was applied. The sample was nonprobabilistic of 1224 university students (61.5% women) between 18 and 35 years old (M = 22.89; SD = 5.46). Results: Adequate fit indices of the proposed model were found (CFI = 0.951, TLI = 0.943, RMSEA = 0.041) where the direct, indirect and total effect was demonstrated, through the eutres, on postponement and self-regulation. The effect size for self-regulation was large (f 2 = 0.54) and small for postponement (f 2 = 0.14). Furthermore, the model turned out to be invariant between men and women. Conclusions: Student with high self-efficacy and positive stress, will be able to self-regulate his academic behavior and avoid postponement of tasks

    Variação anual das larvas do mexilhão dourado (Limnoperna fortunei) nos sistemas de refrigeração de usinas hidrelétricas em reservatorios do Río Negro, Uruguai

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    Limnoperna fortunei (golden mussel) is an alien mollusk in the Plata basin and is native from the Southeastern Asia. Its benthic patches generate macrofouling in hydraulic installations causing additional costs to the affected companies. The objective of this work is to determine the variation of abundance and the size of the valves larval stages of the golden mussel, establishing associations with the water quality parameters in the cooling systems in the three hydroelectric power stations (HP) of the reservoirs of the Negro River (Uruguay) that has been invaded by the species. In the three cooling systems the golden mussel larval density average showed associations with temperature of the water and the percentage of organic material of the column water. Larger larval abundances were registered during warm and minimum during cold months. For the three systems, is suggested a reproductive pause of the species at water temperatures lower than 18ºC and the start of the larval cycle at higher values. The Velíger larvae type D and preumbonate Veliger stages were the dominant stages. In terms of the golden mussel settlement the HP Constitución cooling system was the most exposed. It highlights the need to continue deepening in the knowledge of L. fortunei in order to better implement control and mitigation measures for the species.Limnoperna fortunei (mejillón dorado) es un molusco invasor de la cuenca del Plata, originario del sureste asiático. Las colonias bentónicas generan macrofouling en instalaciones hidráulicas, ocasionando gastos en las empresas afectadas. El objetivo del trabajo es determinar la variación de la densidad y el tamaño de los estadios larvales valvados del mejillón dorado, estableciendo asociaciones con los parámetros de calidad de agua en sistemas de refrigeración de las tres centrales hidroeléctricas (CH) de los embalses del Río Negro (Uruguay) invadidos por la especie. En los tres sistemas de refrigeración, la densidad larval promedio del mejillón dorado presentó asociaciones con la temperatura del agua y el porcentaje de materia orgánica en agua. Se registraron las mayores densidades larvales durante los meses cálidos, y las mínimas durante los más fríos. Para los tres sistemas se sugiere un descanso reproductivo de la especie a valores menores a 18ºC de temperatura del agua e inicio del ciclo larval a valores superiores. Los estadios valvados de larva Velíger tipo D y Velíger preumbonada fueron los estadios dominantes. El sistema de refrigeración de CH Constitución fue el más expuesto al asentamiento del mejillón dorado. Se destaca la necesidad de continuar profundizando en los estudios de L. fortunei para implementar medidas de control y mitigación de la especie.Limnoperna fortunei (mexilhão dourado) é um molusco invasor da bacia do Prata, originário do sudeste asiático. Suas colônias bentônicas geram macro incrustações (macrofouling) nas instalações hidráulicas gerando gastos adicionais nas empresas afetadas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a variação da abundância e tamanho dos estádios larvais valvados do mexilhão dourado, estabelecendo possíveis associações com variáveis de qualidade da água nos sistemas de refrigeração em três usinas hidrelétricas (CH) dos reservatórios invadidos do Río Negro (Uruguai). Nos três sistemas de refrigeração as médias dos estádios larvais do mexilhão dourado apresentaram associações com a temperatura da água e a porcentagem de matéria orgânica. Foram registradas maiores abundâncias larvais nos meses mais cálidos e menores nos mais frios. Para os três sistemas, sugere-se um repouso reprodutivo da espécie em valores inferiores a 18ºC de temperatura da água e o início do ciclo larval em valores superiores. Os estádios valvados de larva Velíger tipo D e Velíger préumbonada fôramos dominantes. Em termos de assentamento de mexilhões o sistema CH Constitución foi o mais exposto. Destaca-se a necessidade de continuar gerando conhecimento sobre essa espécie invasorade forma tal que as medidas que se adotem para programar o controle e a mitigação da espécie tenham maior sustento científico-técnico